Monday, December 23, 2013


Usually I make an effort to crank out some sort of semi-decent post over the weekend, but this past weekend I was still catching up on the shoveling and trying to get back to a 'pre-white stuff' condition and get ready for the winter. I did however, get introduced to some brand new music and will be sharing that in the next few days. I promise it won't be something you've already read about.
 But I have been pretty tired these last few days and a bit frustrated that my fingers aren't working correctly and my play/practice sessions sound pretty lousy. That just puts me in a blue mood and I don't get much done when that happens. I honestly can't remember the last time I had to force myself to do my daily play/practice session but it was probably about 6 months ago. I have finally hit that stage where I enjoy the sessions and grab them when I can , even if it's just for 15 minutes. Sometimes it sounds good, and sometimes it don't. Sometimes the 'warmup' takes a long time and sometimes it's 2 or 3 minutes. Sometimes, no matter how hard I try, it just sucks and I can't seem to get my fingers to do what I want for any amount of effort, time, or trying. That's when I play scales and work on short passages and call it a night.
 But sometimes, it just happens. It all comes together for reasons that I still can't figure out and it all sounds good. I can push the tempo past what I could do before and it still sounds good, when I miss a note I can roll right over it and keep going and holding onto the tempo (or what, for me, in my limited capacity, I laughing refer to as 'my groove').
 Tonight was/is one of those nights and it was just rolling for me, with few if any mistakes, and the groove held in there. Pretty cool, I have to say. It still amazes me how much fun this music stuff can be and what a kick I get out of the very small victories.
 Thanks Bill.
Keep the Beat,

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