Saturday, September 21, 2013


Just a short post here to bring your attention to the top of this page where you will see I have added some tabs (additional pages). The venues page is one wherein I try to give you a little information about the places I have been to and provide some 'before you go' advice. These are of course, my perceptions, and your mileage may vary. I will be adding to this in the future, too much to do in one shot. I am just getting warmed up on these and should have something worth bookmarking in a few weeks. In the meantime, it's a beginning.
 The other page lists the events I would recommend to a friend. We are so blessed with a large variety of musical and other opportunities around here that there is no way I could list them all. What I list here is the events I would go to if I had the time and money to attend what I wanted. It is my way of providing a little extra support to those artists who I find most enjoyable. Certainly I am open for suggestions and additions if you would care to send me along the details.
 The events listing is in reverse order and begins with today at the bottom of the page so that the 'expired' dates will eventually scroll off the screen and the latest dates remain on the top. I invite you to check the links I provide to the various events and venues before you go. I'm just providing awareness, you need to make your plans and buy the ticket.
Keep the Beat,

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